Weight Loss In Ventura CA


Regen Spine and Nerve is Proud to Offer the "Blueprint to Weight Loss" Program

Blueprint to Weight Loss Logo

Blueprint to Weight Loss in Ventura CA is a simple, but proven program, that is offered by over 400 other Wellness Doctors across the United States. It has helped thousands of people lose weight permanently.

It's an easy-to-follow weight loss, detoxification, and healthy living program that is remarkable effective. In fact, we see people lose between half a pound and a pound of fat per day.

Most weight loss programs out there are great but if you follow up with the participants just three months later, the weight is starting to come back, and the results aren't permanent. This typically happens because most weight loss programs don't address the root causes of weight gain and aren't physician supervised or customized to the specific needs of the client. So, if you want simple, fast and permanent weight loss, you have you to address the root cause of weight gain. That's why our program doesn't include pills to swallow or any supplements that you have to continue using after you reach your goal.

What we've realized after asking hundreds of patients what they think the root cause of their weight gain may be, we have come to find out that they have no idea. Most of the time we hear things like, they are eating too much and moving too little. We all wish it was that simple!

The truth is, there are 8 root causes of weight gain in Ventura CA

  • Candida
  • Thyroid
  • Hormones
  • Metabolism
  • Stress
  • Brain-based Food Cravings
  • Toxicity
  • Food Management
Chiropractic Ventura CA Woman Measuring Weight Loss


Candida is a yeast and a fungus found in the body, specifically in the gut lining. A little is OK, but when there is an overgrowth, it starts to cause some serious health issues. Candida feeds off of sugar and thrives in cool environments in the body. Because of this, it makes you crave sugar and your thyroid begins to come under fire. At Regen Spine and Nerve, we have a specific liquid herbal supplement which kills candida on contact. Once you get that in your system, your sugar cravings will be less intense and less frequent, and you will begin to feel like yourself again.


Your thyroid has a big job. The hormones it secretes help maintain a healthy heart rate, maintain healthy skin and play a crucial role in your metabolism. When the gland is sluggish, it can rob you of your energy, dry out your skin and make your joints ache. At Regen Spine and Nerve, we have a unique blend of whole food minerals from sea vegetables that provide natural iodine, and macro- and trace minerals. All of these ingredients work together synergistically to give your thyroid exactly what it needs to release those specific hormones that enable you to have a high metabolic rate. Maintaining a high metabolic rate helps keep your body temperature high enough so that it can start to kill off the terrible candida.


Chiropractic Ventura CA Woman with Scale Weight Loss

Hormones give us feedback on things like the feeling of fullness. The key sensations when it comes to hormones are hunger, energy and cravings. These three things give us clues as to how our hormones are behaving. To combat low hormone levels, we have a topical support. We use a homeopathic liposomal cream. The ingredients in our cream are encapsulated in a specific type of vessel called liposomes.

This helps facilitate absorption of the supplement by the body and allows for more of it to be absorbed into the bloodstream and delivered into the cells.


The metabolism is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. During this complex biochemical process, calories in food and beverages are combined with oxygen to release energy that your body needs to function. The supplement that we use to help boost metabolism is a specific combination of natural caffeine, flower essence and white isotopes. It helps raise your metabolic rate without causing jitters or problems sleeping.


Almost everything that goes on in the body has to do with hypothalamus. It relates to weight management and controlled weight loss. The hypothalamus is normally not addressed in any weight loss program. Most simply put, when the hypothalamus is "broken," food becomes increasingly important because we never end up feeling satisfied with the foods that we have eaten, and we end up eating more and more to try and compensate. We have a simple food management plan that is specifically designed to provide the correct amount of meats, vegetables, fruits and controlling your carb cravings.


The last root cause of weight gain is general stress. When they're on a weight loss program a lot of people get stressed - and we know that stress creates weight gain because of cortisol. Imagine if we could control the stress response by simply reframing our thought process.

This is a game-changer with our program.

Besides assisting you with our Blueprint to Weight Loss Program, Regen Spine and Nerve will be by your side on a daily basis. As part of our program, you will have a Health Coach guiding you along the way and we also include a remote patient care and monitoring platform that promotes better results for you.

Chiropractic Ventura CA Woman in Green Dress Weight Loss

You will be enrolled into our amazing online program where you can log your daily foods, monitor your exercise, receive daily motivation messages and tips to help you through your program.  You also will have 24/7 support and ability to reach us at any time with questions you might have.

Having the right doctors behind you, the right program in front of you, and 24/7 support around you can help neutralize the stress that comes with most other weight loss programs.  To obtain more information about our effective weight loss program, click on our new patient special and tell us you want to have a weight loss consultation so you can learn more about your program in order to find out if it's right for you, or call us at (805) 648-7987.

9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 5:00pm


9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 5:00pm


9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 5:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Regen Spine and Nerve

1590 E Main St
Ventura, CA 93001

(805) 648-7987