1590 E Main St | Ventura CA 93001

Neuropathy Ventura CA Regen Spine and Nerve

We have a

97% success rate in curing
Peripheral Neuropathy

With the use of no prescription drugs or invasive procedures.
Contact us today.

Neuropathy Ventura CA Foot Pain Needles

Neuropathy Ventura CA

Are you struggling with neuropathy or peripheral neuropathy in Ventura CA? You may be wondering can peripheral nerves heal? The answer is...Yes! It is well established in the scientific literature that peripheral nerves can and do heal when proper support for the nerves is provided. With our 3 step neuropathy defense approach, individuals are reclaiming their sensory, function, and health every day!

Step 1 – Nutrition

The Nutritional Support is designed to optimize Nitric Oxide (NO) levels in the body as well as reduce inflammation and increase antioxidant activity, which is beneficial for cardiovascular function, circulation, muscular performance, and nerve health.

We take a unique approach to supplemental neuropathy support with powder, cream, and herbal tincture. Our nutraceutical powdered complex formula supports nitric oxide (NO) production within the bloodstream supporting healthy circulation, facilitating ammonia and lactate removal to diminish fatigue, protecting tissue oxidation, supporting immune health, and providing antioxidant protection. It works synergistically with our easy mixing, great-tasting, and energizing phytonutrient powder loaded with certified organic, whole food plant extracts. It also supplies a super blend of natural vitamins, ionic trace minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and symbiotic intestinal flora for energy, metabolism digestion, detoxification, revitalization, and longevity support.

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You'll know the moment you arrive that this is the place. We are here to exceed your expectations.

Step 2 - Light Therapy

Our FDA approved Anodyne Light Therapy is the application of light to an acute or chronic injury to promote increase of circulation and relieve pain. Light therapy can benefit almost all tissues and organs of the body. The light for these therapeutic purposes is in the red or near infrared (NIR) spectrum (600nm – 1000nm). We can only see light up to 700 nm so we cannot see infrared light.

Not all light therapy devices are the same. As FM radio stations produce a different musical output (ex: FM 101.5 plays smooth jazz while FM 104.7 plays 80’s music), the same is true for Light Therapy devices. Regen Spine and Nerve’s Anodyne Light Therapy device is clinically shown to having the accurate wavelength in order to stimulate a damage nerve; to stimulate and regrow blood vessels to surround the damaged nerve. When your blood supply returns to the damaged or dead nerve, the nerve comes back to life. Our device is the ONLY FDA approved light therapy to stimulate angiogenesis (body’s natural mechanism to regenerate and regrow blood vessels).

Neuropathy Ventura CA ReBuilder Machine On Hands

Step 3 - Nerve Re-Education

When your nerves finally “wake up” and come back to life, we need to retrain them so they may communicate with our brain and spinal cord. Nerves do not have “memory” to help them remember how to communicate with our brain and spinal cord. Therefore, we have to re-educate them.

Our device, The ReBuilder, is a FDA registered, prescription strength, home care medical device designed to treat peripheral neuropathy and chronic nerve pain by stimulating and repairing damaged nerves via specific, comfortable electrical signals.

  • Wakes up dormant nerve cells and restore normal polarity along the nerve axons and dendrites. This helps nerves transmit signals properly again.
  • Relaxes and re-energizes shrunken nerve cells by increasing blood flow and oxygen to the synaptic junctions between nerves. This provides nutrients for nerve repair.
  • Stimulates muscles (along with nerves) using specific electrical signals. This causes the muscles to contract and relax which results in an increase in blood circulation.
  • Induces the brain to release endorphins, reducing pain and improving well-being.

This is why regen spine and nerve has a 97% success rate in reversing and curing peripheral neuropathy disease. We address the underlying issue which causes your symptoms.

Quote Marks

"After just a few treatments, I felt free from pain! I am not having to take the codeine any longer. The way it is going, I know that when I finish the process of decompression, I will feel really wonderful!"


"They've helped me reverse a lot of chronic issues (Neuropathy, chronic neck, back, and shoulder pain). Truly a life changing experience. I never thought I could feel better and be pain free."
