
Spinal Decompression in Ventura CA

Our patients are like family. We look forward to helping you reach your chiropractic goals.

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Spinal Decompression Evaluation
($299 total value)

Regen Spine and Nerve
1590 E Main St
Ventura, CA 93001

We're seeing fantastic results helping people with the following:

  • Herniated Discs

  • Bulging Discs

  • Degenerative Disc Disease

  • Sciatica

  • Pinched Nerve

  • Bulging Discs

  • Herniated Discs

  • Degenerative Disc Disease

  • Migraines

  • Pinched Nerve

A New Option for Back Pain

We've had fantastic results helping patients with herniated and bulging discs, “slipped” discs, arthritic or degenerative disc disease, sciatica, neuropathy, pinched nerves, and possibly failed back surgery. Our protocols also help people with neck pain in Ventura CA and other issues stemming from the upper back area.

Doctor Ventura CA Nate Ahir

Nate Ahir, MPA, BCN

Since 1982, Regen Spine and Nerve has been successfully helping Ventura CA back pain sufferers restore their quality of life with non-surgical spinal decompression. You are making a wise decision to consult with us about your back or neck condition.

  • Spinal Decompression

    Most patients will begin to experience relief from their symptoms within their first few treatments, however, reaching a full recovery will vary with each individual.

    The gentle distractive forces of the Spinal Decompression create a decompression of the spine with unloading due to distraction. This can help to improve blood flow and nutrient exchange to the injured area. Patients experience several cycles of stretch and relaxation, which graduates to a peak over a period of several minutes.

  • A Non-Invasive Option

    Are you tired of pain pills, anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxers, cortisone, epidural injections, physical therapy, massage, exercise, different back stretching gadgets? Do you think surgery is your only long-term solution?

    It's time to experience our unique and specialized decompression approach. Our custom protocol doesn't just temporarily mask your pain, it works with your body to heal itself.  Find out if you qualify today!

New Patient Special

$49 Spinal Decompression Evaluation

Spinal Decompression Therapy Works

Non-surgical spinal decompression can be successful…even if other options have all failed (like pain management, physical therapy, Chiropractic, or even surgery), regardless of your age. Although results can vary from individual to individual, recent studies indicate a high success rate for most neck or low back pain conditions, including sciatica.

Chiropractic Ventura CA Person in Decompression Machine
Chiropractic Ventura CA Decompression Machine Report
  • What's It Like?

    After being fitted with a pelvis and shoulder support system, you are gently transferred from a standing to a lying position on the comfortable bed and the advanced computer system does the rest. You feel a gentle, painless, rhythmic pulling, and then release.

  • Some of the Conditions that Respond best to DRX9000 Therapy...

    The non-surgical spinal decompression system that was developed (DRX9000) has been FDA cleared and shown to be successful for most debilitating back conditions.

    After a patient's program is completed, a progress evaluation is performed, documenting improvement, and recommendations are given which include a core exercise stabilization exercise program that can be done at home. This helps to strengthen the abdominal and low back muscles, which stabilize the spine and prevent re-injury. This has been shown to be one of the most important steps to being pain-free permanently.

New Patient Special

$49 Spinal Decompression Evaluation

It's Time to Get the Results You Deserve

  • What Are My Options?

    It's time you took a step back and looked at your life, and what really matters the most. Looking back over the years, you know how fast time can fly. One minute you're feeling strong, young, and pain-free …ready to take on the world. Then in what seems like no time at all, you're unable to do the activities you love because of your back pain.

    But what if you could play golf again, travel, and walk long distances without any pain? There is a treatment called spinal decompression that is likely to help you get rid of your problem once and for all.

    "Finally, A Solution To Back Pain And Sciatica That Doesn't Involve Drugs Or Surgery, Is Totally Natural, and Effective"

    If you suffer from severe or chronic neck or low back pain or sciatica in Ventura CA, you're not alone. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), more than 32 million Americans struggle daily with debilitating pain. That's why a team of medical doctors and engineers have developed a breakthrough non-invasive technology for spine pain, without the risks and side effects that are often associated with pain medication, injections, or surgery...called non-surgical spinal decompression.

  • How Does Spinal Decompression Help?

    Here's what it's all about: Spinal Decompression is a non-surgical, non-invasive therapy that has been shown to decompress the disc space and reduce the size of a disc bulge/herniation.

    Spinal decompression therapy is an FDA approved treatment that uses a special table and computer to help in the management of serious chronic low back pain. It works by combining proven scientific principles with the latest technological advancements.

    This unique therapy is directed at relieving pressure on structures that may be the source of your pain, such as a herniated or bulging disc. Decompression Therapy gives you pain relief through the decompression of lumbar discs and joints that are unloading due to distraction and positioning. Decompression Therapy creates a controlled unloading of the vertebra to reduce disc pressure, thus increasing blood and nutrient exchange to help heal damaged discs naturally.

    Twenty-five years of combining research efforts of engineers, doctors, and therapists has led to the development of this technology, creating a technically advanced device and a safe, cost-effective alternative to invasive treatments.

    Neurosurgeons across the country recommend that, "physicians have an ethical obligation to attempt decompression therapy prior to surgery."

Physicians agree that surgery should be used only as a last resort.

New Patient Special

$49 Spinal Decompression Evaluation