Cutting-Edge Chiropractic Care in Ventura CA

Chiropractic Ventura CA Chiropractic Tool

Every day and every night you hear advertisements on television telling us that we can swallow, inject or rub our way to good health. They tell us that the answer to all our health problems is in a little bottle of pills.

The truth is that the potential for good health is already within each one of us! Chiropractic in Ventura CA releases that hidden potential WITHOUT the use of DRUGS!

Good Health Without Drugs in Ventura CA

Yes! Those pains you may have been hiding with pills, creams, or even toxic injections are really trying to tell you something! You see, pain is not the problem….pain is your body's alarm system! It alerts you when something is interfering with your health.

If you ignore your pain, you could be inviting severe consequences. Possible long term effects include spinal joint degeneration, nerve damage, or organ problems that may not become evident for a long time.

The backbones (which are called vertebrae) protect the spinal cord (a very delicate system responsible for sending information from your brain to your muscles, organs, skin, and back again. The disc is the cushioning pad between these bones.

A 'vertebral subluxation' is a change in the position of two vertebral bones.


Chiropractic Ventura CA Man With ProAdjuster Machine

When any change from (or back to) a normal position occurs, the body will react. A 'subluxation' can interrupt function. These spinal problems, sometimes called fixations, contribute to many health problems. A spinal 'adjustment' to these vertebras in the spine often helps restore bones to their proper positions and this reduces nerve interference.

We Don't Just Treat Pain, We Work To Correct Its Cause!

If subluxation is the cause of your pain, then that's what should be treated. Our doctor will adjust your spine to remove or reduce your subluxations. This adjustment is designed to restore the normal function and range of motion to the joints of your spine.

You may be here because you are suffering from pain or stiffness in your neck, or back. Maybe you have been suffering from headaches, or shoulder pain, that is affecting your quality of life. If you are looking to enjoy more quality time with your family, have more energy and less fatigue, reduce or eliminate pain, perform better at work, and live life to the fullest with fewer limitations, then give Chiropractic care a try.

Does Chiropractic Hurt?

Maybe you are afraid to try Chiropractic care because you have heard that you can be hurt with a forceful adjustment. Well, worry no longer. We won't pop or twist you into the shape of a pretzel because we use 21st-century chiropractic technology to correct your subluxations.

Regen Spine and Nerve offers you a cutting-edge, safe, and effective means of transforming your health. All spinal adjustments are given with the most advanced technology available today in modern Chiropractic care…very safe and effective!

Our Computerized Instrument-Adjusting System -No Twisting

Chiropractic Ventura CA Cutting Edge Chiropractic Care

Imagine thirty to forty years ago if we told you that dentistry would be painless, that doctors would watch television to perform surgeries, that brain surgery for tumors could be done with a laser, that fetuses could be operated on within the uterus, that knife-less surgery could be performed - you would not have believed us.

By the same token, would you believe us if we told you that Chiropractic treatments and reorientation of the nervous system could be done comfortably, while you were sitting in an upright position without any turning or sudden movements? Would you believe that newborns as well as the elderly with osteoporosis can be treated safely and gently? Advances in computers and engineering technologies have been able to uniquely blend with Chiropractic in order to both analyze and treat the human body in such a way that was never before realized.

The potential for human being to end pain and to achieve their peak nervous system function has never been greater. Humans are consistently asking their bodies to perform at higher levels. Now we have the techniques and the technology to match the demand for our everyday life places on the spine and the nervous system. We now have the capability to fine-tune our own energy and enhance every aspect of our lives.

Introducing A Complex Technology With A Simple Solution:

The Sigma Computerized Adjusting System
(formerly called the Pro-Adjuster)

How Does The Sigma Computerized Adjusting Instrument Work?

Chiropractic Ventura CA ProAdjuster Machine

To better understand, let's examine the idea of palpation. When a Chiropractor palpates your spine, they are checking for joint fluidity, motion and or rigidity. Improper motion affecting the nerve function is called a Subluxation. In a similar fashion to palpation, the Sigma Computerized Adjusting Instrument can determine whether the vertebra's motion is too rigid or too fluid.

The spine should not be too rigid (hypo-mobile). However, instead of utilizing the doctor's judgment as to what areas are hyper-mobile or hypo-mobile, the Sigma Computerized Instrument Adjusting System measures precise levels of motion. Therefore, this computerized instrument adjusting system can isolate a problem area faster, and more accurately, than manual procedures.

Combining Tradition With Technology

Following examination with the Sigma technology, our doctor will then determine the correct treatment to be applied. The way the computerized instrument determines whether the vertebrae is too rigid or too fluid is by applying a light mechanical test force to the joints directly over the patient's spine. This is different from manual palpation, because when applying hands on pressure the body goes into a normal defense (posture mechanism). It causes the muscles to contract and guard against an impact.

If you have ever "flinched" at something, you know exactly what is meant by this. The piezoelectric sensor in the instrument responds and registers information faster than your body's ability to react. Therefore, a precise and accurate picture of the extent of rigidity or fluidity of each vertebrae is reflected.

A light force is introduced into the vertebra to check motion, it is reflected back to the piezoelectric sensor, which measures the reflective force, sending it to the computer for interpretation, all before the muscle can respond in its normal way. Isn't that incredible? Regen Spine and Nerve is now able to use this highly sophisticated technology applied to the human body in order to determine proper function. You can have the same level of care for your body as a multi-million dollar spacecraft. Doesn't that give you a sense of being special and give you a higher level of confidence?

How Can Anything So Gentle & Comfortable Change Your Spine?

The Sigma Computerized Instrument-Adjusting System utilizes a precise oscillating force with uninterrupted motion. it is able to increase to the mobility of the spinal segments by reducing or enabling motion in the abnormal areas. In other words, the computerized adjusting system is "unsticking" the joint. Have you ever seen a woodpecker tapping in an oscillating fashion on a tree? It is hard to believe, but you can watch them bore right through the hardest wood! This adjusting system taps in much the same way but uses soft tips that are comfortable to the human body and do not create damage.

What Can You Expect From Your Treatment?

First, our doctor will engage in a one-on-one conversation with you to determine your medical history and the possible causes of your problem. The adjustment and treatment procedures are then customized to fit each patient's needs.

The next step in evaluating and treatment is to utilize Sigma's sophisticated computerized analysis to pinpoint the problem areas.

Chiropractic Ventura CA ProAdjuster Infographic

The information is then charted graphically on a computer monitor, so the doctor can detect the problem areas on each and every visit.

We will now begin your treatment with the Sigma Computerized Instrument-Adjusting System:

By applying the resonant force impulses precisely to the affected areas, you will receive gentle, effective treatment to that specific area, thereby reducing the subluxation. This will relieve the pressure on the nerve, allow the nerve to heal and restore the nerve's ability to transmit signals to and from the brain more freely. Most importantly, it will help relieve the pain! In addition, the Doctor will again take a reading after the adjustment with the System to compare the results. That's putting analysis on a whole new level!

Activator Method

We Also Incorporate The Activator Method Chiropractic Technique for Fine-Tuning and Extremity Adjusting

The 'Activator' is a small handheld spring-loaded instrument that delivers a small impulse to the spine. It was found to give off no more than 0.3 J of kinetic energy in a 3-millisecond pulse. The aim is to produce enough force to move the vertebrae but not enough to cause injury.

The Activator Instrument is intricately designed to offer high-speed and low force Chiropractic adjustments to the spine and extremities.

The doctor can control the actual force to a minute degree with an anvil style motion using this hand-held device. Proper adjustments can then be made without any severe movement to the bone in the spine or extremities.

It provides adjustable excursion for unsurpassed precision resulting in a gentle and comfortable adjustment treatment.
It also accommodates pediatrics, geriatrics, and small body frames with a gentle and comfortable adjustment method.
If you are looking for experience and Chiropractic treatments that are comfortable and painless, then you are in the right place.

e. If you are looking to enjoy more quality time with your family, have more energy and less fatigue, reduce pain, perform better at work, and live life to the fullest with fewer limitations, then give Chiropractic and our Computerized Instrument - Adjustment System a try! You'll be very glad you did!

Call us today at (805) 648-7987  and schedule a consultation. We will sit down with you and talk to you about your specific health condition and see if it is something that we can help you with! We look forward to meeting you.

What Our Patients Have To Say

9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 5:00pm


9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 5:00pm


9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 5:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Regen Spine and Nerve

1590 E Main St
Ventura, CA 93001

(805) 648-7987